Helping Girls...

is what we do & you can too!

Support Child Impact International to join the fight against human trafficking!

We rescue girls from horrific situations and empower them to pursue education. Since 2009, we've helped educate and empower thousands of children, but we can do more with your help!

Support Child Impact International to join the fight against human trafficking!

We rescue children from horrific situations and empower them to pursue education. Since 2009, we've helped educate and empower thousands of children, but we can do more with your help!

— More than 200 kids rescued in 2022!

— More than 200 girls rescued in 2022!

Human trafficking spares no one, affecting all ages and backgrounds. Shockingly, about 25 million people are trapped in this nightmare, with women and girls comprising 71% of victims. It's a crisis we're actively fighting, but we need your help to make an impact in the lives of children around the world.

How Did Child Impact International Get Started?

It was a cold night on the streets of _______ when we found them. They were hungry, with no place to call home. How could we just turn away and do nothing? Something had to be done for these vulnerable children.

We took them to a school, and paid for one month of education. But the needs only grew. Sed luctus justo nec libero fermentum, at feugiat ante malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque ac nulla id justo pharetra commodo.

Little did we know the challenges that lie ahead...


There were thousands of other children to help, but only so many resources available. We went back to America with a desire to make a bigger impact. People chimed in and said they would help us! So, we officially registered as a non-profit in _____ and still exists today!

Now, hundreds of girls like _____ (pictured below with our President) have a chance at a better life because of YOUR support. _____ was once _______ but now is __________ because of Child Impact supporters!

Since that cold night in _____, we've helped over ______ girls in ___ countries because of the support of generous donors! We are so thankful to have had the chance to impact so many lives.

But we want to do more...

We envision a world where every kid gets a chance to be a kid. We envision a world where girls can grow, learn, and thrive in a safe environment. We're not there yet, but we won't rest until we've done everything we can for vulnerable children. Will you join us in the fight?

Sed luctus justo nec libero fermentum, at feugiat ante malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque ac nulla id justo pharetra commodo.

Ut in massa quis libero rhoncus bibendum. Fusce et efficitur neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed facilisis laoreet justo, nec suscipit purus tristique in. Sed auctor metus sit amet nulla facilisis, a ullamcorper erat accumsan.

Will you help change a girl's life today? Will you stand with us against injustice, and empower children to become all they can be? We can't do it without you! Thank you for making an impact in the life of a child...

What If You Could Be The One To Make A Difference?

Right now, there are thousands of people worldwide who are waiting to hear these messages of hope, love, and inspiration. They’ve been given a precious gift—the opportunity to hear the Word of God for free on AudioVerse. And for many of them, this is their first exposure to His Word.

It would be an incredible blessing if you could help them receive this gift by paying it forward today. You can make a decision that will impact thousands of lives for generations to come. We want everyone around the world, no matter where they live, or how much money they have, to be able to hear them too.

Millions of girls are trapped in horrible situations around the world, and we know there is so much more we can do to help them! But we can't do it without your help. This is your opportunity to change a child's world!

Together, We Rescued Over 100 Girls!

"I'm even gaining weight.
I mean, look at my cheeks!"

Our Projects Around the World

ZAMBIA: Riverside Farm Institute

Trafficking and sexual exploitation endanger the lives of thousands of girls living in rural communities near Riverside. Through education at Riverside Farm’s boarding school, all their needs are provided for. They do not have to fight to survive and they are free to pursue their educational dreams.

PHILIPPINES: Palawan Literacy School

Child Impact is directly involved in helping prevent child marriage through the support of Palawan Literacy School, a jungle school in the Palawan highlands. Previously, children of this village were without viable education options due to the distance from the lowlands and their family obligations to help during the harvest season. Village children grow up illiterate, and for survival, most girls marry at a young age and often to much older men.

EGYPT: Matariah Sudanese School

Following the war that broke out in South Sudan in 2013, South Sudan refugees fled to all neighboring countries. Due to the continued economic crisis, South Sudanese refugees kept moving desperately seeking a stable economic country. Many refugees fled to Egypt after the Egyptian government granted visa-free movement. If the students are not in school, they are at high risk of joining gangs.

UKRAINE: Project Safe Pasage

UNICEF reported that 83% of women who cross the Ukraine border bring children with them. Men between the ages of 18-60 are required to stay behind to defend their country. Some people genuinely offer to help and others take advantage of the desperation of these refugees by trafficking them. Project Safe Passage was started as a response to this risk. We work with local contacts who arrange for women and children to be safely transported to Germany and Austria where they receive a warm welcome as they find more long-term housing. Presently, Child Impact is supporting a center for Ukranian refugees, helping them locate housing and caring for their needs.

ETHIOPIA: New Hope School

Suleiman Bayu was injured in a freak accident when he was seven. He survived with a broken leg, but his crushed right hand never regained use and became a reminder of that accident throughout his life. Tragically, three years later he lost his family due to famine. As an adult, he has channeled the passion he has for children who have experienced loss and challenges through starting a new school and orphanage called “New Hope." It provides basic necessities and increased learning outcomes for orphans, children with disabilities, and children of impoverished single moms by making financial and material resources available. Today, New Hope cares for nearly 100 orphans and educates more than 700 children. Traffickers may target individuals with disabilities because of the social discrimination and prejudice they face. We are grateful that all children, especially those with disabilities, have a safe place to live and learn at New Hope.

INDIA: The Freedom Project

The Freedom Project is working to care for girls rescued from trafficking and prevent the exploitation of young girls. We support the vocational school that teaches girls trade skills like baking and soap making. These girls can create a brighter future for themselves with these skills.

KENYA: Olmalaika Trust

Olmalaika Trust seeks to end female genital mutilation and forced marriage, enable healing, and create opportunities for self-sufficiency. FGM is almost always done to girls against their will and commonly as a step to prepare these girls to be married. Child marriage is considered to be one of the forms of human trafficking because there is usually an exchange of goods or money in exchange for a girl who has little or no say in the arrangement.

TANZANIA: Falco's Children Village

Of the 42 million people in Tanzania, 2.5 million are orphans under the age of 15. Through Falco’s Children Village, these orphaned children will find safety, love, a sense of belonging, and a brighter future. They will have a wide variety of educational, vocational, and recreational experiences to help them each grow individually and be ready for adulthood.

MIDDLE EAST: Project Safe House

For safety and security reasons, we do not disclose all of our projects by their exact name or location. Nonetheless, support from donors like you help us to protect girls susceptible to being trafficked. We rescue girls who are in the process of being sold to older men as child brides or being exploited for labor, and place them in a safe house. We have rescued 6 girls, and have the capacity for 4 more. Thank you for your generosity in ensuring a brighter futures for girls in the Middle East.

You Can Change A
Girl's Life Forever!

You Can Change A
Girl's Life Forever!



For just $50 a month, you can provide education and food for a rescued victim of human trafficking.

Larger donations of $1,500 or more help to fund our rescue operations and rescue one more child out of a life of human trafficking.

Any donation, big or small, can make a difference. Join the fight today and make an impact that will last a lifetime!

Child Impact International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit child welfare organization, helping since 2003. Tax ID #20-8227425. All donations are non-refundable, except the rare instance of accidental duplicate donations, and are given with no goods or services in return. For more information about Child Impact International & Operation Child Rescue, please visit Charity Navigator or our website.

Child Impact International, All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2023